
A photo of Derek Kozel

Hello and welcome to my site. My name is Derek. I’m an electrical engineer with a particular passion for embedded sytems, RF communications, and aerospace applications. My PhD research is into High Efficiency RF Power Amplifier design using Load Modulation techniques. I am an Amateur Radio operator currently focusing on the design and construction of systems for microwave bands. Prior to my current work I’ve worked on Software Defined cellular basestation radios and developed low power sensor nodes. My masters work and courses involved evolutionary algorithms and low power computer architecture and software design.

When not playing with something with bits or volts I enjoy cycling, diving, and gardening.

This site centers on my engineering interests but will inevitably include occasional posts and references to anything I feel passionate about. The wiki serves as an informal and incomplete information repository and everything should be taken with an unhealthy heap of salt. That said, I hope all the material avaliable proves some use and you enjoy my site.


Please feel free to contact me at derek@derekkozel.com or Mastodon @dkozel@social.coop.


The site is generated using Hugo and uses MathJax and Pygments. The theme is bulma-kiss. I compose the posts using Vim with a variety of customizations. All files for the site and wiki are managed using Git.

The domain and DNS are managed by NearlyFreeSpeech.