
Voltage Reference

The LTZ1000 is a packaged ultra stable voltage reference with a buried zener diode and heating resistor. I’m building three 10 Volt references based on a design by Dr Frank Stellmach and André Bülau.

Cardiff University Amateur Radio Society

I helped found this society in 2018. I feel the first few years are very important in building the character of the group and in establishing it within the university so I’m putting a fair amount of time into it. Also it’s lots of fun!

HP 4263A LCR Meter Repair

I bought an LCR meter which displays an ADC failure. It seems increasingly likely that a ROM PAL device on it has failed which makes repairing it difficult.

GNU Radio

GNU Radio is a toolkit and ecosystem for Digital Signal Processing which is frequently used for Software Defined Radio systems. I’m one of the project officers and have been focused on community and GNU Radio’s use in education.